I almost titled this �Portland Ruins yet another Mid-Western Beer Drinker.� And I very well could have because that�s what it did. The greatest city in the Northwest ruined me. And I'm here tell about it. It�s a tragic tale. It really is.
I recently moved from
Out on the town I leaned in and asked the hearty blonde haired waitress with exaggerated curls and spritz perfume what she had on her beer menu and she replied most mysteriously, �Bud Light, Budweiser, Miller Lite, Miller High Life, Miller Genuine Draft, Busch, Busch Light, Coors, Coors Light, Pabst etc� I scratched my head and asked, �
I don�t remember what I drank that night, and no not because I drank too much, but because it was awful. I am baffled. I really am. How did frat-boy light-beer win the
I am beginning to understand why most Christians in the
And I haven�t even scratched the surface. I told you I wasn�t a snob. Somebody else please fill-in the blanks. But I promise you won�t hate beer anymore. Or at least you�ll hate the right beer for the right reasons. Proper hate is good. I'll let you hate Busch Light if you like Deschutes Black Butte Porter.
I cannot go back. I can�t possibly nurse a Miller Lite. And like that . . . Portland wins again.