I�ve had many memories at Waffle House. But I�m guessing some of you have never even been to one before. For those who don't know, it's a 24 hour grease-pit. A southern staple of grits and hospitality. It originally began in a little suburb outside of
With three of us at the table my friend looks at my other friend and says, �translate this for me, I�ve been wondering about this for a while.�
He glanced across my friend�s brand new MacBook Pro and starts translating arcane Greek sentences from the ancient Nicene Creed devised by the Romans in 325AD. This is a bedrock, if not the bedrock document securing the survival and health of Christendom.
From across the table I hear, f?? ?? f?t??, Te?? ???????? ?? Te?? ????????, ?e??????ta ?? p??????ta, ?�???s??? t? ?at??, d?' ?? t? p??ta ????et? . . . God from God, Light from Light . . .
In Waffle House, mind you, he starts telling us about the annoying propensity to which the Grecians utilized reflexive participles. A literary faux-pas if you ask him. I start laughing at the insanity of it all. I mean, a Waffle House is no place for a MacBook. Let alone an opinionated lecture on an archaic language. My life doesn 't make sense and I'm beginning to be okay with that.
And right before this happened on the same MacBook we purchased plane tickets from
As we were laughing at this juxtaposition our waitress yelled across the room, �Good morning Duke!�
I looked up at Duke. Duke was more probably a local trucker. He had a Harley Davison hat with flames coming off the bill. A cigarette hung from his mouth and tattoos lined his arms. His black Sturgis t-shirt was tucked into his Brett Favre Wranglers but on his feet he did not have boots . . . on his feet he had flannel house shoes.
Duke garbled, �Good morning darlin.�
I later got in my car and followed my friend back to his house so he could use my car the next day. He was driving his mothers car at the time. And I passed a cop and panicked because my speedometer light is out in my hubcap-less 95� red Buick Skylark. I didn�t know how fast I was going. It was five in the morning. The story started swirling in my head, �Officer, we were just at Waffle House buying a plane ticket to China because we�ll be over there next week and my friend needs to use my car because he�s taking his mothers car back to her so she can go to work in a little bit. He needs to go to this bookstore in
And I�m sure he would have said something like, �Sir, I�ve heard a lot of stories in my day. Step out of your car.�